
Why reading books is important ?

                                            99% of students stop reading books after completion of their graduation.most of the people fall in this trap and they stops reading.But the life never stop teaching us.                    When your reading bokks you get new ideas, knowledge and solutions to the problems.The books will help you most than the people , family members, friends and relatives.                  Reading books is very very very important.It strengthes your brain activity, help you grow mentally and emotionally. And also enhances your analytical thinking skills.                        Exercise is good for your body .But what about your mind.How do you strengthen your mind ? It is the only way of reading books. •Reading exercises the brain . •Reading improves literacy. •Reading Improves Sleep . •Reading Increases General knowledge. •Reading Reduces stress.


Most of the people dreams to become a millionaire.But a few people only become millionaires !! Why ?? What is the reason for it ?  What about other rest of the people , couldn't become millionaires ?  Average 90% of people , drop the ball and goes to be broke. Well , if you want to become a millionaire, then think like a millionaire. Our mind achieves anything. Onces you start thinking like a millionaire. I will give you a example ,  You are very hungry and you went into the kitchen searching for snacks . Your shouting, mom where are the snacks !! You shoutted again mom where is it , Your mother came , taken out the snacks infront of you . But you're not seen till now . Is it infront of me . You shocked !!  Your mother scolded , stupid fellow , can't you see it. See these law of attraction exactly works to your goal .  Therefore start think like a millionaire